We learnt about how Spain is divided in different communities and provinces. Now we are going to learn about its relief.
The physical geography of a country includes all the natural elements of landscape, like seas, mountains, rivers and plains...
Spain is a península. It is surrounded by water except from one part.
The seas around Spain are:
- The Cantabric Sea in the north
- The Atlantic Ocean in the west
- The Mediterranean Sea in the east and south
We have also started learning about the most important rivers of our country.
You can practice in this interactive maps
This is the map of the rivers we have studied
Last week we also learnt the most important mountains
The mountains that you have to study are:
- Macizo Galaico (in Galicia)
- Montes de León ( in León)
- Cordillera Cantábrica (under the Cantabric Sea)
- Montes Vascos (in País Vasco)
- Pirineos (they are the natural border between Spain and France)
- Cordillera Litoral or Cordillera Costero-Catalana (along the coast of Cataluña)
- Sistema Ibérico ( in Casti
lla y León, Aragón and C. Valenciana)
- Sistema Central (in the centre of the peninsula)
- Montes de Toledo (in Toledo)
- Sierra Morena ( between Extremadura, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucía)
- Sistemas Béticos (in the east of Andalucía)
- Teide (in Tenerife- Islas Canarias) It´s a volcano and it´s the highest mountain in Spain with a height of 3,718 m
You can practice the mountains in these maps:
We also learnt that the place where a river begins it´s called the source. It is usually near the mountains. The mouth is the place where a river flows into a sea or ocean.
Between Galicia and Portugal
Atlantic Ocean
Oporto (Portugal)
| |
Lisbon (Portugal)
| |
Between Portugal and Huelva
| |
| |
Tarragona (Cataluña)
Mediterranean Sea
C. Valenciana
| |
When you looked for information of a scientist, we saw that many of them lived in the past.
Check what we learnt in this mind map
Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por lucia_elsol
Now we are becoming experts in geography. We know that we live in the planet Earth and that it has got water and land. Check out the names of the continents and the oceans in this mind map that we made together in class
Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por lucia_elsol
We have also made a nice poster to see the path from us to this planet
We live in a town, that with other towns and cities make up a province. This province is part of an Autonomous Community. 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous Cities are the way our country is organised.
Our country is Spain, that with other 49 countries, is part of the continent of Europe.
We have studied the names of all the communities in Spain and we can almost find all of them in the map.
We were so happy learning about places, that we decided to keep on travelling to know our continent, Europe.
Now, each student is named after one country, and we have seen where they are in the map.

On Monday we are going to have a contest in the class about the capital cities of Europe, so let´s start practising!! There are some countries that I didn´t put, and the contest will be about the ones of your class.
Países (español) | Countries (english) | Capitales (español) | Capitals (english) |
Albania | Albania | Tirana | Tirana |
Alemania | Germany | Berlín | Berlin |
Andorra | Andorra | Andorra La Vieja | Andorra La Vella |
Armenia | Armenia | Yerebán | Yerebán |
Austria | Austria | Viena | Vienna |
Bélgica | Belgium | Bruselas | Brussels |
Bielorrusia | Belarus | Minsk | Minsk |
Bosnia | Bosnia | Sarajevo | Sarajevo |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Sofía | Sofía |
Croacia | Croatia | Zagreb | Zagreb |
Dinamarca | Denmark | Copenhague | Copenhaguen |
Eslovaquia | Slovakia | Bratislava | Bratislava |
Eslovenia | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Ljubljana |
España | Spain | Madrid | Madrid |
Estonia | Estonia | Tallin | Tallinn |
Finlandia | Finland | Helsinki | Helsinki |
Francia | France | París | Paris |
Grecia | Greece | Atenas | Athens |
Hungría | Hungary | Budapest | Budapest |
Irlanda | Ireland | Dublín | Dublin |
Islandia | Iceland | Reykjavik | Reykjavik |
Italia | Italy | Roma | Rome |
Letonia | Latvia | Riga | Ryga |
Lituania | Lithuania | Vilna | Vilnius |
Luxemburgo | Luxembourg | Luxemburgo | Luxembourg |
Macedonia | Macedonia | Skopje | Skopje |
Malta | Malta | La Valleta | Valletta |
Moldavia | Moldova | Chisnau | Chisnau |
Montenegro | Montenegro | Podgorica | Podgorica |
Noruega | Norway | Oslo | Oslo |
Países Bajos | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
Polonia | Poland | Varsovia | Warsaw |
Portugal | Portugal | Lisboa | Lisbon |
Reino Unido | United Kingdom | Londres | London |
República Checa | Czech Republic | Praga | Prague |
Rumanía | Romania | Bucarest | Bucharest |
Rusia | Russia | Moscú | Moscow |
Serbia | Serbia | Belgrado | Belgrade |
Suecia | Sweden | Estocolmo | Stockholm |
Suiza | Switzerland | Berna | Bern |
Turquía | Turkey | Ankara | Ankara |
Ucrania | Ukraine | Kiev | Kiev |
Practise the vocabulary and the definitions of the unit with this cards
Conjunto de Fichas creado con ExamTime por lucia_elsol
And review the contents in the unit with the mind map Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por lucia_elsol
Instructions for the Project
You have to look at home for this information about you Autonomous Community:
- Name, flag, location in Spain, provinces, capital, languages
- Climate, flora and fauna, relevant places
- Typical food, traditions, famous buildings
Decide which person in the group does each part, then, bring the information to the class (written, printed, in a pen-drive) During January and February I will help the groups to organise the information in a presentation. In March, each group will talk about their Project.
Instrucciones para el proyecto
Tenéis que buscar en casa la siguiente información sobre vuestra Comunidad Autónoma:
- Nombre, bandera, localización en España, provincias, capital, idiomas.
- Clima, flora y fauna, lugares importantes
- Comida típica, tradiciones, edificios relevantes
Decidid qué persona del grupo hace cada apartado, luego traed la información a clase (por escrito, impresa, en un pen-drive) Durante enero y febrero ayudaré a cada grupo a elaborar las presentaciones. En marzo cada grupo hablará sobre su proyecto.
To study our country we are going to prepare in groups presentations about the different Autonomous Communities.
First I will give you the instructions in class, then, you will look for the information at home and finally, in class again, I will help you to make up the presentations.
I will teach you how to do it with the computer to show the presentation in the digital board.
We start now in October, and you will do the presentations in February.
Let´s find out how beautiful our country is!
Para estudiar nuestro país vamos a preparar en grupos presentaciones sobre las diferentes Comunidades Autónomas.
Primero os daré las instrucciones en clase, luego buscaréis la información en casa y por último, otra vez en clase, os ayudaré a realizar las presentaciones.
Voy a enseñaros cómo hacerlas con el ordenador para presentarlas en la pizarra digital.
Empezamos ahora en octubre y haréis las presentaciones en febrero.
¡Vamos a descubrir lo bonito que es nuestro país!
Here you have the web page to practise the elements of weather:
What is weather?
and the mind map to review the unit
Here you have the first activity to discover the world, a web page with interactive maps to learn different places without moving from your chair.Aquí tenéis la primera actividad para descubrir el mundo, una página web con mapas interactivos para aprender diferentes lugares sin moveros de la silla
Interactive maps web
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