Blog educativo de Lucía Hernández, profesora del CEIP Los Jarales en Las Rozas
domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015
Now we are becoming experts in geography. We know that we live in the planet Earth and that it has got water and land. Check out the names of the continents and the oceans in this mind map that we made together in class
Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por lucia_elsol
We have also made a nice poster to see the path from us to this planet
Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por lucia_elsol
We have also made a nice poster to see the path from us to this planet
We live in a town, that with other towns and cities make up a province. This province is part of an Autonomous Community. 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous Cities are the way our country is organised.
Our country is Spain, that with other 49 countries, is part of the continent of Europe.
We have studied the names of all the communities in Spain and we can almost find all of them in the map.
We were so happy learning about places, that we decided to keep on travelling to know our continent, Europe.
Now, each student is named after one country, and we have seen where they are in the map.

On Monday we are going to have a contest in the class about the capital cities of Europe, so let´s start practising!! There are some countries that I didn´t put, and the contest will be about the ones of your class.
Países (español) | Countries (english) | Capitales (español) | Capitals (english) |
Albania | Albania | Tirana | Tirana |
Alemania | Germany | Berlín | Berlin |
Andorra | Andorra | Andorra La Vieja | Andorra La Vella |
Armenia | Armenia | Yerebán | Yerebán |
Austria | Austria | Viena | Vienna |
Bélgica | Belgium | Bruselas | Brussels |
Bielorrusia | Belarus | Minsk | Minsk |
Bosnia | Bosnia | Sarajevo | Sarajevo |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria | Sofía | Sofía |
Croacia | Croatia | Zagreb | Zagreb |
Dinamarca | Denmark | Copenhague | Copenhaguen |
Eslovaquia | Slovakia | Bratislava | Bratislava |
Eslovenia | Slovenia | Ljubljana | Ljubljana |
España | Spain | Madrid | Madrid |
Estonia | Estonia | Tallin | Tallinn |
Finlandia | Finland | Helsinki | Helsinki |
Francia | France | París | Paris |
Grecia | Greece | Atenas | Athens |
Hungría | Hungary | Budapest | Budapest |
Irlanda | Ireland | Dublín | Dublin |
Islandia | Iceland | Reykjavik | Reykjavik |
Italia | Italy | Roma | Rome |
Letonia | Latvia | Riga | Ryga |
Lituania | Lithuania | Vilna | Vilnius |
Luxemburgo | Luxembourg | Luxemburgo | Luxembourg |
Macedonia | Macedonia | Skopje | Skopje |
Malta | Malta | La Valleta | Valletta |
Moldavia | Moldova | Chisnau | Chisnau |
Montenegro | Montenegro | Podgorica | Podgorica |
Noruega | Norway | Oslo | Oslo |
Países Bajos | Netherlands | Amsterdam | Amsterdam |
Polonia | Poland | Varsovia | Warsaw |
Portugal | Portugal | Lisboa | Lisbon |
Reino Unido | United Kingdom | Londres | London |
República Checa | Czech Republic | Praga | Prague |
Rumanía | Romania | Bucarest | Bucharest |
Rusia | Russia | Moscú | Moscow |
Serbia | Serbia | Belgrado | Belgrade |
Suecia | Sweden | Estocolmo | Stockholm |
Suiza | Switzerland | Berna | Bern |
Turquía | Turkey | Ankara | Ankara |
Ucrania | Ukraine | Kiev | Kiev |
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